Saturday, July 15, 2006

wow, that's powerful ugly

After a truly embarassing mortifying interview - I forgot how to speak Spanish entirely - Mum and I went to return some clothing and find appropriate blouses for future interviews (since I doubt I'm getting that job). We hit the mall and noticed something terrible.

I must have been brain-dead or something the past couple of months to NOT have noticed this. It was the return of a rather famous Fashion Catastrophe. Something we're all used to, I'm sure. I, myself, have seen way too many sequined bags of late (but that's another story). These, though, were not terrifying regurgitations of the '60's/ '70's/ or '80's. Well, at least not 1980.

'Lo, I do give you the Return of the Pumpkin Pants...

In skirt form.

This pic is from Nordstrom's site, y'all. Not Limited or Gap. Just... shite. Also, they're charging near $90 for it. Whoo! Powerful bad fashion at an even worse price.

And, then, everywhere we went, there they were...

at 4 different stores. Honest to g-d. I swear.

It was like we were being stalked by the ghosts of Bad Fashion Past. (shudder) I hope this dies out soon. This is JUST what I need - something that makes me look like I have a pumpkin stuck around my hips.

Bravo, designers. You read my mind. I've always wanted to look like Phillip II of Spain! Fan-tastic!Just get me a doublet and I am set.

So, anyway. Thank you y'all. It IS an owl - or, was supposed to be. And, apparently it looks like one, sorta. Which is enough. I am working on the last piece for the swap package right now. It's being a bit difficult. Just a weeeeee bit.

In other news, um, I can't remember. So, yeah. I'm a bit fuzzy. Thank you, again, for the confirmations and I hope I didn't scare you too badly with the Return pix.

& Quack
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    Location: Portland, Oregon, United States

    I'm a recent graduate of the University of Oregon, a Peace Corps nominee, and trying to knit, spin, and craft up my stash before I get sent off to a foreign country for 2 years.

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