Sunday, November 27, 2005

gauntlets et iPod nomen habet

Well... I have pix, and here they are. Also, Opus and her *mom* both teased me for not naming my ipod. But, now I have, and it is now dubbed "Raphael". W/o the flaming sword and halo and all :D

Anyway, here're the pix of wonderful handspun baby-alpaca warmthness. I spun 8 oz of natural coloured baby alpaca top. I made two elbow length cabled gauntlets and a ski-style lace headband. The pattern for the headband is in knitting on the edge. I have enough alpaca left to make another headband. I'm trying to decide on a pattern. Until then, I'm making one outta some painted curl yarn I bought in Venice - yumm!!!


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    Location: Portland, Oregon, United States

    I'm a recent graduate of the University of Oregon, a Peace Corps nominee, and trying to knit, spin, and craft up my stash before I get sent off to a foreign country for 2 years.

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