Sunday, July 01, 2007

teensy tiny

No post yesterday due to the oh-so-fun ER visit Mum made early Sat morning. I stayed up with her and Dad, until it proved futile and that she really needed medical treatment (around 3 am). She was diagnosed with a severe migraine (vomiting, auras, etc) and got to have tons of fun tests. I didn't go along, but I got to hear all about the MRI, CAT scan, and Spinal Tap today. Eeek.

Sooo, needless to say, we were all quite useless yesterday and are still a bit off-colour. Even so, I've been working fiendishly on my current WIPs and several teensy-tiny items for various babies I'm distantly acquainted with. One set of goodies is finished, another started. It's so odd to be working on booties that can sit together in the palm of my hand. How were we ever all that small?

I mentioned a contest on Friday, didn't I? Maura gave me a fun idea - the VACANT 1506 Contest. I'm still working out the details, but I should have it all together in a day or two. I also, ha, have TheBon and Crimson's prizes from the Wacky Ducky Contest sorted out (you two couldn't thwart me forever with your vague answers, no siree). The prizes'll probably go out at the same time as the baby gifts. Now all I need are their (the babies) Mum's addresses.

Stephieface, I gave you warning, now I need your address to send along some things for Beans. I know you read my blog ;D As for Bulldogknits, I'm bad and lost her address and'll have to email her in a non-creepy way to ask for it again...

This'll be interesting. And, just to prove I've been knitting, I'll end with a progress photo of the progress of Titania's Revenge and the back of my cotlin cami:


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    Location: Portland, Oregon, United States

    I'm a recent graduate of the University of Oregon, a Peace Corps nominee, and trying to knit, spin, and craft up my stash before I get sent off to a foreign country for 2 years.

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