Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Eugh! I just got two notices from my bank that my last 2 checks bounced. Why? Because I still haven't deposited the money that the CC and my parents owe me - because I haven't recieved any of it! $100 worth, to be precise. In total, I need to pay the bank back close to $40 and then another $25 in fees. Just ab fab.

I've been waiting for the checks for, oh, two weeks now. Just great.

I can't decide if this is more embarassing or frustrating. I've never bounced a check before. And... just, eugh!

& Quack
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    I'm a recent graduate of the University of Oregon, a Peace Corps nominee, and trying to knit, spin, and craft up my stash before I get sent off to a foreign country for 2 years.

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